Edison Estates

Aug 12, 2020 | Jan Ooms

The date was August 1, 1774. An English chemist named Joseph Priestley discovered what we now call ‘oxygen’. Did he really ‘discover’ it or just come to realize what was already there? It was a day that has had enormous consequences for all time ever since. Oxygen is used in countless applications from welding to saving lives today. August 1st was a historic day, but this past August 1st, just a week or so ago, was just as much a historic day in the life of Edison Estates.

The weather was perfect and even in the midst of the ongoing challenge of Covid, we had 38 people come out to help make this day a huge success! The Impact Cares Team, along with numerous residents and various Impact staff members joined together to make a huge ‘impact’ on the community of Edison Estates.

One staff member brought some folks from a group home for those who are mentally challenged. These folks who do not regularly get out much were able to come and be a great blessing to this community. They joined together and painted a house and helped clean up a yard. One of these precious helpers told Tory, the Impact Cares Team leader, ‘Today I feel like a good man, thank you for letting me help!’ It doesn’t get much better than that!

Another helper who had lost a daughter and then almost lost her life due to drinking was there as well. She shared her story of all the challenges she had faced and the joy of giving her life to Christ with another resident who was in much the same place. This is what it is all about, sharing life on life, coming alongside to bless and be a blessing.

One of the highlight of the day and the entire week were the kids in this community. They were just awesome! Impact Cares provided a new playground and the kids were all in! They came out to help dig holes, put their hand prints in the concrete and be a part of putting the new playground together. Dale, an Impact Cares team member noted, ‘I could tell those kids will appreciate that playground and work to protect it because they were a part of creating it.’ How true it is, when people come together in a community, not only are relationships forged but what they have come together for becomes a part of their shared history.

For one resident August 1st turned out to truly be a historic day! Dale noted, as this resident received a new home, ‘I watched her as Tory (the Impact Cares Team leader) brought her to her new home, her face went from wonder to disbelief, to tears of joy at the realization that this was going to be ‘her’ new home. It felt so good to be a part of bringing that kind of joy to her.’

Finally, two of those who came to help said they are, ‘going to go to church again because he’d forgotten what he was really supposed to be doing in his life.’ What a great way to summarize a historic day!

In closing, Impact Cares handed out bags of popcorn and on the bags were the following words:

“Just like every kernel in this bag of popcorn is unique and becomes something wonderful. . .

You are a child of God, important, loved, and full of potential!

Have a wonderful day and remember whose you are!”
