Indian Trails Estates

Jul 13, 2020 | Jan Ooms

Harker Heights – ‘one of the best places to live in Texas’, so said one reviewer on google and our team, Tom and Donna spending time there during the Covid-19 pandemic would have to agree!

‘It is so nice to be appreciated, and we sure felt it there,’ said Donna, who along with her husband Tom spent a long time fixing, building, encouraging, and cleaning in the Indian Trails Community. Many of those they were able to come alongside were folks struggling with health issues of one kind or another. For instance, one resident who is disabled invited the team over for dinner after her project was finished – she received a new deck on her home. It was a real treat to see the smiles and know, that even in the midst of a pandemic, we could come alongside folks who were home bound and brighten their day.

Another resident, who was also struggling with health issues wanted to help, so he came and helped cut some wood for us to build a neighbor’s deck. It is such a treat to see neighbors helping neighbors! It was so encouraging, even in the midst of a chaotic situation of a virus, to see people coming out to help brighten their surroundings! The team of Impact Cares was, once again, able to be a blessing to another community and that’s what it’s all about!

‘Fletcher’, as he liked to be called, came alongside us and was eager to learn how to build. He’s a ‘Mister Mom’ while his wife worked and what a guy! He not only jumped in to help, while keeping an eye on his daughter, but his friends brought lunch over as well.

Just imagine, Harker Heights, a small town started by a couple of hog farmers, Pinckney R. Cox and Harley Kern. These two men subdivided their land in 1957 and began selling lots. By 1960 the people voted to incorporate and Harker Heights was born! Not only are the people of this community and town fun to be around but they also have a ‘famous son’. Did you know that Dominique Zeigler, (Ziggy) who was a former San Francisco 49ers wide receiver, was also a former star at Harker Heights High School! The real ‘famous’ people however, are those who live in Indian Trails Community, in the ‘best place to live in Texas!’

Go Impact Cares!
