Frequently Asked Questions


Who do we help? Criteria?

We help people who are nominated by their neighbors who have a need due to illness, age, or financial problems. We can’t help everyone and the amount of people we can bless depends on how many neighbors volunteer to be a part of the project

How much will it cost me?

There is no cost for any of the projects we do.

Are there any guarantees that you will help me?

We can’t guarantee we will be able to help. Sometimes the weather gets in the way or other times not many people volunteer, we help as many as we can.

Who decides who gets help?

The Impact Cares leaders make decisions from the nominations they receive.

Can I help?

Sign up to volunteer with us! We need people with different skills and abilities. If you can build a deck, we need you. If you can work a paintbrush, we need you. If you can hand out a drink, we need you!

Why didn’t I get help?

We try to help as many as we can but sometimes, we don’t have volunteers with the right skills to do a job or there aren’t enough volunteers to do everything
